Understanding Loan Transactions for the Non-Finance Attorney | Justia CLE & Webinars
As a lawyer, you may come across loan transactions even if you are not a finance attorney. What do you need to do, and what do all these documents in a loan document package even mean? Now is the time to demystify it all so you can elevate your law firm practice and ensure quality legal representation for all your clients!
Approximate Read Time: 2 Minutes
Now Available: Watch This Webinar on YouTube
April 2024: Missed this Justia Webinar? You can now watch the full recording on our YouTube channel or below!
Since this blog was published, Justia CLE & Webinars are now open to everyone, lawyers, other legal professionals, law students, and law enthusiasts.
Prior Content, Published February 22, 2024
Join us for our upcoming Justia Webinar with Jake Rheaume as he guides you through the intricacies of loan transactions, from documents regarding the home-buying process to SBA loans for small businesses. You do not need to be a financial advisor or finance attorney as this webinar will simplify the complex loan transaction documents sitting on your desk to easily digestible content that you can tackle. If complicated loan documents are giving you a headache, sign up for this webinar today and learn practical tips and tricks to understanding loan transactions and transforming the way you counsel your clients!
CLE Webinar Details & Speaker
Jake Rheaume is a finance associate attorney with experience representing institutional lenders. In our upcoming CLE webinar, Understanding Loan Transactions for the Non-Finance Attorney, Jake will dive into the anatomy of a loan document package and simplify its complexities and nuances for non-financial attorneys. Jake will also share practical advice you can use to counsel your borrowers and enhance your law firm practice.
The presentation will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. PT on Friday, March 08, 2024. The recording of this broadcast will also be available to Justia Connect Pro members shortly after the live event.
Register for This Justia Webinar
Justia Webinars are open to all U.S. attorneys. To attend a Justia Webinar, you must first activate your free Justia Connect membership for legal professionals by claiming your free Justia Lawyer Directory profile. If you have already claimed your Justia Profile in the Justia Lawyer Directory, your membership is active.
Once your profile is claimed or you already have an active membership, you can register for the presentation in just a few clicks via the Justia Connect dashboard or the Justia CLE & Webinar Center!
Earn CLE Credit
Understanding Loan Transactions for the Non-Finance Attorney is approved for one hour of General CLE credit in California, North Carolina, and South Carolina (all levels). This course has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1.0 credit hours. Other jurisdictions may award CLE credit via applicable self-submission policies or reciprocity rules.
While all lawyers are invited to join us for this webinar, CLE credit is an exclusive membership benefit offered for our Justia Connect Pro members. You can upgrade to Justia Connect Pro here to start taking advantage of this benefit.
More Questions?
Sign up for this webinar to unravel the complexities of loan transaction documents today! If you have additional questions about this webinar, you can get more details and register on the webinar page.
Want to learn more about our Justia Connect membership program? Explore the Justia Connect Help Center.
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