The Legal Talk Network just launched a new show about the First Amendment called "Make No Law," created by Popehat founder Ken White. The show will provide a dynamic narrative of our nation's freedom of...
The Legal Talk Network just launched a new show about the First Amendment called "Make No Law," created by Popehat founder Ken White. The show will provide a dynamic narrative of our nation's freedom of...
LinkedIn is the most popular social network among lawyers, according to the ABA 2016 Legal Technology Survey Report. As a lawyer, you can benefit from LinkedIn in many ways. In this post, we are going...
The Justia Lawyer Directory is newly redesigned to better showcase premium placements! For each of your gold placements, you can now create a custom tagline (up to 80 characters) and description (up to 220 characters)...
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly designed marketing website. There you can find descriptions of the legal marketing services we offer, read testimonials from a few of our many satisfied clients,...
Justia is pleased to announce that our client Miller & Zois won the Maryland State Bar Association's inaugural Zenith Award for Best Call to Action. According to the Bar Association's website, the Zenith Awards recognize...
Lawyers who are already taking advantage of lawyer directories as a way of marketing themselves to broader audiences are already a step ahead the rest. With a little bit of time and effort, lawyers can...
These days, more attorneys are appreciating the value and benefits of publishing a legal blog. Blogging helps lawyers share their industry knowledge, analysis and commentary. It also grants them recognition as a contributor to the...