I’m often asked if I know any decent apps for writing blog posts on the iPhone or iPad. Until recently I’ve had to answer that I did not, but in hopes of not having to...

Hi Friends, Kevin O’Keefe and the LexBlog team have updated the design and features of the LexBlog’s “Real Lawyers Have Blogs” Blog. LexBlog has changed the blog into a resource center for legal bloggers, with...


Hi Friends, This years BlawgWorld e-book is out from Neil Squillante, Sara Skiff and the TechnoLawyer Team. The BlawgWorld 2007 ebook has sample posts from a number of blogs, AND a legal technology solutions guide....

Hi Friends, Welcome to our take on the blawgosphere in this Blawg Review #112 of the review of blawgs. It has been a fun week of reading blogs and interesting posts. Many thanks to the...

Blogs are fascinating windows into the personalities of their authors. Some carry matter-of-fact names, such as the Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog. No big mystery what will be discussed on that blog. And, not surprisingly,...

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