As an exclusive benefit for lawyers with a Justia Premium Placement, we offer access to profile traffic statistics to help lawyers discover and better understand how clients find them in the Justia Lawyer Directory. Check...
As an exclusive benefit for lawyers with a Justia Premium Placement, we offer access to profile traffic statistics to help lawyers discover and better understand how clients find them in the Justia Lawyer Directory. Check...
Just like that, we are halfway through 2022! We checked out our second quarter 2022 data trends for the Justia Lawyer Directory and are back with another update for all of you.
Free lawyer directory profiles are a great way to enhance your law firm’s digital marketing efforts at any time. However, if you have not claimed them already, here are three reasons to claim your free...
The first quarter of 2022 has come to a close! With three months already behind us this year, we took a look at some of the data trends for the Justia Lawyer Directory so far...
We’re kicking off 2022 by reflecting on the data from 2021. The numbers are in! Check out this post for data on the Justia Lawyer Directory in the final quarter of last year.
Justia is the most visited legal portal website in the United States and the Justia Lawyer Directory receives high volumes of visits every day from potential clients looking for a lawyer. Read this post to...
We’ve checked the Justia Lawyer Directory data for the third quarter of 2021 and are excited to share this data with all of you! Keep reading to learn more.
Some of the lawyer directories most frequently used by consumers also incorporate lawyer ratings. With potential clients seeing these ratings on your profiles, it is important to understand how directories determine what your rating may...
As we continue our series on the various legal directories lawyers should have on their radar, we have gathered a list of the best national bar association directories. While membership in these organizations is not...
Welcome, lawyers, to our new membership program designed to help you share, learn, save, connect and grow your practice. Read on to learn more about the resources and benefits created to help you achieve your...