We are excited to announce that the Justia Lawyer Directory is now publishing client reviews. Together with the existing attorney peer ratings, these two critical perspectives should provide valuable feedback to consumers who are seeking...
We are excited to announce that the Justia Lawyer Directory is now publishing client reviews. Together with the existing attorney peer ratings, these two critical perspectives should provide valuable feedback to consumers who are seeking...
The Justia Lawyer Directory now permits users to filter results based on lawyer rating, experience, and other parameters. The rating is based on the average score given by an attorney’s peers who are personally familiar...
We are excited to launch the Justia Lawyer Rating and Reviews feature on the Justia Lawyer Directory. We hope this new addition provides helpful information to consumers looking to hire a lawyer. Learn more about...
The Justia Lawyer Directory is newly redesigned to better showcase premium placements! For each of your gold placements, you can now create a custom tagline (up to 80 characters) and description (up to 220 characters)...
Justia Premium Members can now see how often visitors have viewed their profile and listings on the Justia and Legal Information Institute lawyer directories and legal portals. This new web traffic report tracks the number...
Lawyers who are already taking advantage of lawyer directories as a way of marketing themselves to broader audiences are already a step ahead the rest. With a little bit of time and effort, lawyers can...
Hi Friends, Justia and the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School have been building a lawyer directory the last few months to help individuals, families and businesses find lawyers and legal service organizations. (See...
Hi Friends, A class action law suit was filed today against Avvo. You can get more information from LexBlog’s Kevin O’Keefe’s blog and/or read the complaint. Kevin has some additional commentary and resources about the...
Hi Friends, LexBlog‘s Kevin O’Keefe called it…. Avvo is live. Nice clean graphics and fonts that look like Google Analytics (bold Arial). The focus is on the attorney, not the law firm, and listings are...
Hi Friends, There is a mention on LexBlog‘s Kevin O’Keefe’s Blog that Avvo may release their site tomorrow. Currently neither TechCrunch Attorney Michael Arrington nor ValleyWag has info on the new Avvo site… yet… so...