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We took a look at some of the chatter about the largest law firms in the United States to see what their online mentions may say about their larger brand reach. This is what we found.
The AmLaw 100 list is home to some of the largest law firms in America. From frequently appearing on lists of top law firm brands to being some of the most talked about firms amongst law students (and even legal professionals), there is certainly chatter about AmLaw firms in the legal industry. While it is easy to assume these strong brands are also getting recognition online, we wondered just how far these firms can reach with the help of their brand buzz!
Using the free tools created by Social Mention and the Brand Mentions social tool, two platforms for online search and analysis about brands on social media and in other user-generated content, we checked out the Top 5 AmLaw firms of 2022 (ranked by their 2021 gross revenue) to take a look at what online chatter about their brands may signal for their marketing efforts.
While this exercise is certainly not an exact science, it can offer some fun insights into how these law firm brands stack up in their online presence. One more note to keep in mind: these numbers are generally based on data pulled on July 15, 2022 (plus or minus a day or two).
Kirkland & Ellis

Source: https://www.kirkland.com/
Kirkland & Ellis garnered 201 social mentions last week, according to the Brand Mentions platform, with 495 user interactions. This social activity reportedly amplified the law firm’s reach to 11.2 million people!
According to Social Mention, the firm had 59 mentions (56 neutral, two positive, and one negative) over the time searched. Notably, the platform’s passion rating was also 96% for these mentions, which is intended to indicate that much of this activity is a “small group of passionate advocates” talking about the brand repeatedly.
Latham & Watkins

Source: https://www.lw.com/
When searched via Brand Mention, Latham & Watkins had 41 mentions over the past week with 87 social interactions and a reach of ~209,200 people through these mentions. Via Social Mention, the firm had 59 mentions (53 of which were rated neutral and six of which were considered positive) found.
DLA Piper

Source: https://www.dlapiper.com/en/us/
The Social Mentions platform returned 59 mentions of DLA Piper with 56 of those mentions being rated as neutral mentions, two rated positively, and one rated negatively. Interestingly, the average time between these mentions was approximately 13 hours.
Checking out the buzz about the firm via the Brand Mentions platform social tool returned 100 social mentions over the past week with a reach to ~580,800 people through that engagement.
Baker McKenzie

Source: https://www.bakermckenzie.com/en/
Using the two platforms, we found anywhere between approximately 54 and 84 recent mentions about Baker McKenzie. Brand Mentions found that the firm’s 84 social mentions in the week preceding our search reached 8.3 million people. Meanwhile, Social Mention found 54 mentions of the firm (45 neutral, seven positive, and two negative).
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom

Source: https://www.skadden.com/
While a search for “Skadden Arps” only returned a handful of mentions on Social Mention, simply searching for “Skadden” yielded 53 results – a number more on point with the engagement the platform found about other large law firms. Of these 53 results, one was rated positive, while the others were all rated neutral.
Looking at the social mentions found by Brand Mention about Skadden last week, the firm got 184 social mentions that garnered 630 user interactions that helped the firm reach approximately 718,700 people!
Final Thoughts: Why Do You Care?
A strong brand helps your firm grow. As these results illustrate, even relatively small amounts of engagement online can help your firm reach hundreds of thousands of people! By focusing on curating a strong brand and online presence, your firm can take advantage of the social network effect to reach even more new clients.
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