2020 was a year out of the ordinary. It was a year that, with social distancing and the home office, brought a rethinking of how people had to connect at work, professionally, at school, and...
2020 was a year out of the ordinary. It was a year that, with social distancing and the home office, brought a rethinking of how people had to connect at work, professionally, at school, and...
A new services filter in the Justia Lawyer Directory will make the process of connecting consumers with attorneys more streamlined and precise.
There are several ways to get reviews for your LSAs. However getting a LSA verified review should be made a priority.
Google made a significant number of announcements during its “Search On” livestream event last week. These changes aim to advance Google’s ability to understand user queries and organize the information in more useful ways.
Don't risk having your profile managed by someone else because you don’t own it. Be sure that you have full control of your profile to update it as you deem necessary
Emails are going out to select law firms participating in Local Services Ads, informing them of a beta release of bidding to stand out even more from your competitors by bidding for the top placements.
The Google My Business dashboard is now encouraging businesses to set up a video conferencing service by showing links to different companies providing such services.
Participating in LSAs (Local Services Ads) is a no-brainer for law firms that want to maintain a competitive online presence. These ads offer visibility at the very top of Google searches and are now more...
Google has started rolling out LSAs to a variety of legal practice areas. Check out this post for a list of practice areas currently available.
An unclaimed business profile may have incorrect or outdated information. As a result, your business could lose potential clients, calls, and visits to your website or office