The Justia Lawyer Directory now permits users to filter results based on lawyer rating, experience, and other parameters. The rating is based on the average score given by an attorney’s peers who are personally familiar...
The Justia Lawyer Directory now permits users to filter results based on lawyer rating, experience, and other parameters. The rating is based on the average score given by an attorney’s peers who are personally familiar...
Your website's header is the first thing visitors see on your site and is often the most memorable component. We've compiled some tips on how to make the biggest and most lasting impact with the...
Microsoft has extended its support of Google's open-source Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project by creating its own AMP viewer and AMP cache, and by adding AMP-enabled news articles to its mobile search results.
The ABA approved long-awaited changes to its Model Rules on legal advertising at its recent House of Delegates meeting. While the rule revisions do not go as far as some advocates had hoped, they serve...
Google's new "Speakable" markup allows publishers to customize the way their content is described by the Google Assistant. Justia is proud to announce that using this new markup, commentary from Verdict, our legal commentary and...
For Chrome’s 10th anniversary on September 4th, Google revamped its browser by incorporating several new features to it. Based on Material Design standards, the company stated that the update is more significant than any other...
The colors you choose for use on your website may have a more significant impact on your visitors than you expect. Learn how certain colors affect people differently, and follow these tips to make deliberate...
Although it may be tempting to try to implement some of the latest flashy design elements on your website, doing so could have the unintended effect of slowing down your website and thus negatively affecting...
Google's previously announced "Speed Update" is now rolling out to all mobile search users. Make sure that your mobile website has excellent performance, or else you may see your ranking fall!
It’s easy to think that your website should be on the cutting edge of web design trends, but we encourage you to consider the ultimate goal of your law firm website: converting visitors into clients....