How do you describe your practice areas on your law firm website or blog? One way would be to carryover the phrases your firm had successfully used in a magazine or yellow pages ad. When...


Bob, the short-lived Microsoft assistant, has met his match. Windows Live, Microsoft’s search engine, now sports an edition anchored by Ms. Dewey. Bob, meet Ms. Dewey. Before you start optimizing your websites for Ms. Dewey,...


The most difficult part of starting a blog is the writing process. Sure, you may be drafting contracts, client letters, research memos and court briefs all the time, but is that writing style suitable for...


Photos can make your website or blog stand out. You may wish to display photos of the attorneys in your firm, photos to simplify legal concepts, or photos to highlight certain points. However, you should...


When discussing successful case outcomes on a blawg, lawyers may have some difficulty striking the proper balance. If you get overly detailed and technical, you’ll weigh down your blog post. You also don’t want to...


Amazon recently named Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail as the best business book of 2006. Perhaps, there’s no easier way to illustrate the long tail than to prepare a long tail graph yourself. And, it...


I recently came across a web site where a law firm introduced itself as having bilingual speakers. The crucial piece of missing information? The other language spoken. What potential clients want to know is whether...

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