If you want to expose your law firm to millions of potential cients, then there’s no better destination than the Internet. However, drafting the text for your Web site is no easy proposition. Writing for...


How well do you know your clients? Sure, you may know where they work and what they do, but have you ever paid them a visit at their workplace? Of course, your clients probably visit...


When you enter the theater, the lights have already been dimmed. The final trailer is showing. You wait a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the darkness before you spot a pair of...


Said the law firm to the Googlebot: Do you see what I see? Come and see my site, Googlebot, Do you see what I see? A flash, a flash Dancing on the screen, Scrolling text...


When you meet with your clients, do you bring them into your quiet office or conference room so that you can speak to them free from distractions? After all, you have some valuable advice you...


Chinese New Year is coming up and, as fortune would have it, January 29, 2006 marks the start of the Year of the Dog. I know one smart pug that just can’t wait for the...

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