Hi Friends, Google held their first Analyst day on Wednesday. You can find the Webcast here. Gary Price has a good overivew of the media comments and mentions at the Search Engine Watch Blog. Look...
Hi Friends, Google held their first Analyst day on Wednesday. You can find the Webcast here. Gary Price has a good overivew of the media comments and mentions at the Search Engine Watch Blog. Look...
Hi Friends, Yahoo! has released a beta version of their toolbar for Firefox, if you run Windows. A Macintosh version should be out soon (you can get an email from Yahoo! when the Mac (or...
Hi Friends, As Google continues to focus on the local advertising market, it has now released Google Maps. The maps (which on the Macintosh work with Firefox, but not Safari) allows one to scroll along...
Hi Friends, I thought I would do a quick post on a few Google Resources. Not that there is really anything new here, just that Justia’s blog is new, and we felt should have some...
Hi Friends, As noted by Sabrina Pacifici informed us (and me) last week on her blog BeSpacific, Microsoft took the beta off their MSN Search and went live with it on the MSN portal site...
Hi Friends, Amazon’s A9 group, here in Palo Alto, has released a beta of their new online yellow pages. The key differential they are marketing is showing photos of over 20 million business locations. More...
Hi Friends, Welcome to Justia’s Legal SEO Blog. On this blog we will comment on the Internet and legal marketing industries, as well as introduce new Justia features and services. We would like to thank...