Patent law is built on innovation, but ethical missteps can put even the most groundbreaking work at risk. When faced with tough calls, do you know how to turn gray areas into clear decisions? Equip...
Patent law is built on innovation, but ethical missteps can put even the most groundbreaking work at risk. When faced with tough calls, do you know how to turn gray areas into clear decisions? Equip...
Reporting another lawyer’s misconduct can be an ethical minefield. When does Rule 8.3 require you to speak up, and what happens if you don’t? Don’t leave your professional responsibilities to chance. Sign up for our...
When mistakes happen, your next move matters. Equip yourself with the tools to handle missteps while protecting your clients, career, and credibility by signing up for our free, upcoming Justia Webinar!
As generative AI reshapes the legal landscape, its benefits come with ethical challenges and potential liabilities. Are you prepared to leverage this technology without compromising your professional obligations?
There are many moving parts to creating a law firm website, including potential legal implications for a lawyer’s website content, design, behavior, and more. Check out this post for information on five legal concerns you...
Many legal professionals struggle with the appropriate response to negative comments or poor online reviews. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility recently released an ethics opinion addressing the ethical implications...
As health and safety concerns mandate social distancing and other precautions due to the coronavirus outbreak, lawyers and law firms can turn to technology for efficient and ethical practice solutions that serve to promote public...
The American Bar Association periodically publishes a document that describes legal marketing rules for every state, detailing how they deviate from the corresponding ABA Model Rule. This document covers everything from restrictions on client testimonials...
The Florida Bar Board of Governors has issued an opinion that attorneys contacting prospective clients by text must follow the same rules that apply to other written communications in this context. While most states have...
Most states regulate attorneys' use of the words "expert," "specialist," and other terms that could be misleading or suggest a guaranteed outcome in their clients' cases. Although it is a relatively new area of regulation,...