Justia Chat is a powerful interactive tool designed to help law firms engage with website visitors seeking legal assistance. Discover how it can transform your legal practice today!
Justia Chat is a powerful interactive tool designed to help law firms engage with website visitors seeking legal assistance. Discover how it can transform your legal practice today!
Live chat is not a one-size-fits-all marketing and technological solution. However, it can enhance a law firm’s website and provide a strategic benefit for some firms. Discover a few pros and cons to help you...
There are many communication options beyond traditional office memos, email, and telephones. In a previous post, we discussed instant message services, which have certain advantages and disadvantages for professional teams. In this post, we compare...
For lawyers and law firms wishing to expand the reach of their web marketing, we provide five simple ways to reach more prospective clients and expand your business. These ways include adding video and live...