Looking to gain hands-on experience in the judicial system? If you’re ready to take the next step in your legal career, a judicial clerkship could be the perfect opportunity. Find out how you can secure...
Looking to gain hands-on experience in the judicial system? If you’re ready to take the next step in your legal career, a judicial clerkship could be the perfect opportunity. Find out how you can secure...
Estate planning is more than just paperwork — it’s about protecting legacies. Are you equipped with the right tools? Master the essentials of estate planning and ensure you’re providing the best possible guidance in our...
Behind every late-night brief and courtroom win is a lawyer running on fumes; but high performance shouldn’t come at the cost of your mental health. Learn how you can protect your well-being without compromising your...
Ever wonder why some arguments captivate jurors while others fall flat? I mean, what makes a jury truly listen? Learn how psychology can transform your arguments into a persuasive force that sticks in our free,...
Risk aversion is second nature to lawyers, but does it limit your growth as a leader? Learn how to balance caution with adaptability to meet client demands, inspire your team, and elevate your practice in...
Unlock the secrets to successful depositions in our free, upcoming Justia Webinar! Discover how to strategically plan, expertly conduct, and effectively follow up on depositions to maximize your case outcomes.
As generative AI reshapes the legal landscape, how prepared are you to integrate these cutting-edge tools into your patent drafting and prosecution work while staying ethically grounded? Join us for our free, upcoming Justia Webinar...
Are you an early-career associate looking to sharpen your appellate brief writing skills? Transitioning back into practice after a break? Looking for a refresher? Master the fundamentals that can set you apart and elevate your...
It’s in the core of your job as a lawyer to be persuasive so you may think you’ve got your legal arguments down and there’s no need for improvement, but what if you can take...
The COVID-19 pandemic may be over, but COVID itself is not for many people out there who continue to grapple with long-term symptoms and disabilities. In the midst of those complications, there are also the...