New CLE Webinar on Substance Abuse & Mental Health in the Legal Profession
Lawyers navigating the demands of the legal profession often battle mental health concerns and substance abuse disorders at higher rates. This webinar discusses the impact of substance abuse and mental health challenges for lawyers, as well as prevention, detection, and treatment resources.
Approximate Read Time: 2 Minutes
Now Available: Watch This Webinar on YouTube
January 2024: Missed this Justia Webinar? You can now watch the full recording on our YouTube channel or below!
Since this blog was published, Justia CLE & Webinars are now open to everyone, lawyers, other legal professionals, law students, and law enthusiasts.
Prior Content, Published December 8, 2023
Mental health concerns and substance abuse disorders can impact anyone, regardless of their background. Lawyers are certainly no exception and unfortunately experience higher rates of various mental health challenges and substance abuse disorders. Our next Justia Webinar is diving into how lawyers can detect these concerns, exploring the potential impacts, and discussing resources for recovery. Keep reading this post to get the details of this upcoming event!
CLE Webinar Details & Speakers
Attorney Licensure and the Impaired Professional begins promptly at 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT on Monday, December 11, 2023 and will be led by Laurie J. Besden and Tracy L. Kepler. Laurie is the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of PA, Inc., and Tracy is a Risk Control Consulting Director for the CNA Lawyers Insurance Program.
Both presenters are seasoned attorneys with experience helping attorneys learn how to recognize the impaired professional. Attendees will also learn more about the potential disciplinary repercussions arising from an impaired attorney’s conduct and discuss recovery resources and assistance.
For those who are unable to attend live, simply upgrade to Justia Connect Pro to stream the recording when it becomes available.
Register for This Justia Webinar
All U.S. attorneys are invited to join Justia Webinars. If you are interested in attending this webinar, simply activate your free Justia Connect membership for legal professionals by claiming your free Justia Lawyer Directory profile! Remember, if you previously claimed your Justia Lawyer Directory profile, your membership is active, and you are already eligible to register for Justia Webinars.
Once your profile is claimed, you may register for the presentation via your Justia Connect dashboard or the Justia CLE & Webinar Center.
Earn CLE Credit
Attorney Licensure and the Impaired Professional is approved for one hour of Competence Issues MCLE Credit in California. It is also eligible for one hour of Substance Abuse/Mental Health credit in North Carolina and South Carolina (all levels). The presentation is also approved for one hour of MCLE Credit by the Texas Committee on MCLE, of which 1.0 hour will be applied to Legal Ethics credit. Other jurisdictions may award CLE credit via applicable self-submission policies or reciprocity rules.
While all lawyers may attend this webinar for free, CLE credit is a membership benefit offered for our Justia Connect Pros. If you are not a Justia Connect Pro and wish to receive CLE credit for attending this course, you can upgrade here.
More Questions?
Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of the intersection between mental health, substance use disorders, and the legal profession. The knowledge and tools provided in this webinar are not only valuable but essential for creating a more compassionate and supportive legal community that encourages success for all attorneys.
If you have additional questions about this webinar, you can get more details and register on the individual webinar course page. Should you have any additional questions about our free Justia Connect Basic Memberships or Justia Connect Pro, we invite you to explore the information available in the Justia Connect Help Center.
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